- Fri, Jan 15, 2021
Native Graphics Love ❤️
We have reimagined the native graphics experience on Replit. Our community of educators and hackers have given us immens...
- Mon, Dec 28, 2020
Tabbed Shell
Among the many things that makes Repl.it special is our ability to provide free compute to millions of users. We've buil...
- Tue, Nov 3, 2020
reCAPTCHA and the anonymous experience
When we started Repl.it, we set out to remove all friction from getting started with programming. That also meant gettin...
- Sun, Sep 13, 2020
A database for every repl
Repl.it is already the best place to build your apps. But there was a missing piece: where do you store your data? We’r...
- Wed, Aug 26, 2020
CLUI Command bar and Search
One of the challenges of adding new functionality to any interface is balancing discoverability with visual clutter. We'...
- Tue, Jul 28, 2020
Shareable Computing
This is a guest blogpost by GPT-3, the new AI software from OpenAI. We only gave it the title and "Repl.it" and it gener...
- Sun, Jul 26, 2020
Emmet support
Emmet is a plugin for many popular text editors which greatly improves HTML & CSS workflow, it's also one that's been re...
- Wed, Jul 1, 2020
Repl.it is a great place for prototyping ideas and starting new projects. However as your projects get bigger, the editi...
- Thu, May 21, 2020
Share where you are in a Repl with Deeplinking
Oftentimes when we're sharing a repl with a friend we want to link them to exactly where we are in our project. Well now...
- Thu, Apr 30, 2020
Terminal Links
Terminals make it hard to copy things: Selecting text works differently to what people are used to, and ^C aborts the cu...
- Tue, Apr 28, 2020
Improving Repl.it's Mobile UX
I like the process of writing because of how simple and portable the tools are. Regardless of time or place, a way to wr...
- Tue, Apr 14, 2020
Terminal Search
When you're deep into a debugging session printing a bunch of here, there, and wat, the output in the terminal can get h...
- Tue, Mar 24, 2020
Packaging Support for Java - Try Maven Packages in Your Browser
Java is one of the most popular languages on Repl.it, and the JVM powers many of our other languages (Java Swing, Clojur...
- Wed, Mar 4, 2020
CLUI: Building a Graphical Command Line
“Command line interfaces. Once that was all we had. Then they disappeared, replaced by what we thought was a great advan...
- Wed, Sep 18, 2019
Making Repl.it Collaborative at Heart
Coding, people believed, was an activity hackers did alone. While that might have been true in the past, the world is ch...