Launching more power and upcoming changes to your Hacker benefits and individual powerups
Replit has changed a lot since we launched in 2016 — evolving from a simple IDE to a place where you can learn, build, host, and share your software creations with millions around the world.
Today, I'm excited to share we're launching new Boost levels that we hope will make your creation experience on Replit a lot more powerful. Replit has always been about software development - raising the ceiling of what you can build and share online instantly.
We've added a lot of power and value to Replit over the years and are launching more to help you unlock more value and power on Replit. We believe it's important to adjust our pricing to reflect these changes and ensure that we can continue to provide a first-class experience for those building on our platform. This is not a decision we made lightly.

If you pay us for services on Replit, you'll receive an email detailing changes to prices and benefits specific to you. These updates will roll out over the next few weeks but we wanted to let you know as soon as possible.
I want to make it clear for our current paying customers that your current plan and pricing will not change immediately.
I also want to highlight that we are not making any changes to our free tier. Our mission is to bring the next billion software creators online so we're going continue to invest in making our free tier great even for folks who may be unable to pay. We've also been hard at work over the past few months to enable our users to earn on the platform by solving requests through Bounties. This is only the first phase of what earning could look like and we're constantly iterating on how we can help you unlock greater power on our platform.
The key changes we're announcing today are:
- Changes to the benefits provided as part of our Hacker Plan to reflect the additions and improvements we've made over the past 5 years.
- An increase in prices for some of our individual powerups, such as Boosts, Always On and Private Repls. We believe that the new prices will be more aligned with the value and capabilities we provide. We're offering current pricing and benefits to our existing customers until April 3rd to make this transition easier. Keep reading for more about those changes below.
- We're launching new levels of Boost (Up to 32x of the base offering!). Up until now, Repls could only reach up to 4vCPU & 4GB of RAM. These new levels of Boost gives you more power for resource-intensive applications that may require it.
Changes we're making to Hacker Plan benefits
The Hacker Plan has evolved a lot since we launched it in 2017 with the addition of Private Repls, Always On, Boosts, and providing more performance and compute.
Benefit Old New Unlimited private Repls Included Included More powerful machines Included Included Boost Power Ups 5 (4 vCPUs + 4GB RAM) 1 (2 vCPUs + 2GB RAM) Always On Power Ups 5 1 Default Hosted Repl RAM 2GB 0.5GB Default Hosted Repl vCPUs 2 0.5 Default Development Repl RAM 2GB 2GB Default Development Repl vCPUs 2 2 AI-powered helpers Included Available via Ghostwriter
We're also excited to add a Boost to your active coding session. This means that anytime you're actively coding in the workspace, your Repl's stats will automatically be boosted to have 2vCPU & 2GB of RAM!
Changes we're making to the pricing of Boosts and Always On
In spring 2021, we launched Boosts & Always On as a way to give you more power and resources for your Repls. We added these to the Hacker plan for no extra cost, and we later introduced Cycles and made it possible to buy them and private repls a la carte.
We know that you love using the Boosts and Always On Power Ups, and we want to continue providing you with the best possible experience. This will help us continue offering you the same great service you've come to expect from us, and we appreciate your understanding.
Benefit Old Price New Price Boost @ 2vCPU & 2GB RAM N/A 20 cycles/day ($0.20) Boost @ 4vCPU & 4GB RAM 2 cycles/day ($0.02) 70 cycles/day ($0.70) Always On 2 cycles/day ($0.02) 20 cycles/day ($0.20) Private Repls 150 cycles/month ($1.50) 500 cycles/month ($5.00)
New boost levels for your Repls
We're excited to launch new levels of Boost so you can boost your Repl's specs all the way up to 32x (16 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM). As our creators build more advanced and powerful applications, we wanted to give them the power to run and host them on Replit.
We're confident that the new boost levels will enable you to do things like host large scripts, handle large amounts of traffic for your bots, and run any graphics intensive Repls to name a few!
New Levels of Boost Pricing
Boost Level Price 4vCPU & 4GB RAM 70 cycles/day ($0.7) 8vCPU & 8GB RAM 150 cycles/day ($1.50) 16vCPU & 16GB RAM 350 cycles/day ($3.50)
Grace periods for existing customers
This change won't happen immediately.
We know changes like these can be challenging. To ease the transition, we're automatically extending a grace period during which you'll be able to continue using the legacy Hacker benefits and the old pricing on individual Power Ups on your existing Repls using them until April 3rd while being able to take advantage of the new boost levels.
For Hacker subscribers, this means you'll have the option to continue boosting your existing boosted Repls to 4vCPU & 4GB of RAM and keep your existing Always On Repls powered up until the grace period expires (After April 3rd).
After that, you'll be able to boost 1 Repl to 2vCPU & 2GB RAM and keep 1 Repl Always On as part of your Hacker benefits.
For customers powering up their Repls using Cycles, you'll continue to have access to the old pricing on those Power Ups until you turn them off or until the notice expires (After April 3rd). New Power Ups except for Private Repls will be subject to the new pricing immediately; Private Repls new pricing will go into effect after April 3rd.
We'll switch you over automatically to the new benefits and pricing once the grace period elapses and send out another notice when your plan and pricing is about to transition.
We're committed to our mission of bringing the next billion software creators online, and we believe that these changes will help ensure that we can continue improving Replit for you for years to come.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact our Support team at [email protected].